Fuzzy Tape/Red Heart on the Road
On May 24th, 2024, I released my debut single. I correctly identified the music I made as "kalimba fuckery" and uploaded it to Bandcamp, under the title "Red Heart on the Road."
A couple of days later, on the 28th, I'd upload 4 (now only 2) tracks as the "Fuzzy Tape" EP. Two days later, I developed good tatse removed two horrible tracks from the EP.
This wasn't the first music I had ever made, it'd been about two months since I'd gotten my Tascam Portastudio and Volca FM & Drum. I had filled up about three cassette tapes with mostly garbage ambient music. Working with a Portastudio was tumultious, I only had two active recording channels (in mono), no FX, and I would have to record everything in one take. So it's no wonder I was making music that focused far more on timbre than dynamics or change (not that I didn't try to!)
Looking at the actual music, it's nothing special. It's one part middling ambient song and other part babies first electro-acoustic song. But, like I stated on the release page, even if the music was basic, I would still rather be actively making subpar music than not.