Places, Stimulations

Improvisation played a big role in my pre-DAW days, and often, I'd find myself in lengthy jams with my Volca FM. Eventually, I got the idea to record one of these jams, which ended up becoming the first track "Forest." When I re-listened to it, I got this vivid image of a rainforest, and suddenly I knew exactly what my next album was going to be.

The other three tracks were recorded in the same way, completly improvisatory, with the only thing decided beforehand being the sound of the Volca. "Water" and "Cloud" both had relatively easy sound palettes to nail, but "Desert" took a to find a sound that really fitted what I wanted. Eventually, I settled on a somewhat percussive sound, and one jam later, Places, Stimulations was finished.

I still have some pride from how well I managed to make these tracks evolve (considering it was completly improvised), but if there's one thing I'd go back and change, it'd easily be the mixing. The lows are way too loud, frequently resulting in a booming bass that rattles my car. One day I might try and remaster these tracks, but until then, it'll just have to stay as it is.
